Mobile Robotics
This course provides you a working level understanding of the five basic pillars of planar wheeled robots namely localization, mapping and exploration, SLAM, planning and collision avoidance. The course shall c omprise of simulation and experimental components. The experimental component - an implementation of a SLAM module on the robot or all the other modules such as Localization, Mapping and Navigation.
Dr. K. Madhava Krishna, Dr. Suril V. Shah
Intro to Robotics
Robotics is an inter-disciplinary subject concerning areas of mechanics, electronics, information theory, control and automation. This course provides an introduction to robotics and covers fundamental aspects of modeling and control of robot manipulators. Topics include history and application of robotics in industry, rigid body kinematics, manipulator forward and inverse kinematic solution methods, Jacobians, singularities, redundancies , serial link manipulator dynamics, trajectory generation, sensors and actuators, position control and interaction force control.
Dr. Suril V. Shah
Design of Mechanisms
With continuous evolution of technology and ever growing complexity of engineering products, it is difficult to isolate electronics, computer science and mechanical streams. This has given rise to mechatronics which essentially builds on the above three streams. Mechanism design is a very important element of any mechatronics product design. The main objective of this course is exposing students to design, graphical synthesis and analysis of mechanisms. The course will also expose to important elements of mechanism building, such as gears, gear trains, bearings, cams, belts , chains, ropes, etc., and mechanisms for practical robots
Dr. Suril V. Shah
Digital Image Processing
Digital images and their processing is the topic of this course. The course introduces the necessary mathematical tools and techniques and examines different algorithms that have been developed for processing and analysis of digital images. Topics include: Spatial Domain Processing, Image Arithmetic, Color IP, Image Transforms, Image Restoration, Image Compression, Morphological Processing, Image Analysis, etc.
Dr. Jayanthi Sivaswamy
Computer Vision
Relationship between computer vision, graphics and Image processing. Camera model: Imaging process 3D to 2D projection and loss of information, calibrated and un calibrated vision systems. Limitations of popular cameras and methods to overcome them. Multiple view geometry and imaging systems. Algebraic constraints, reconstruction, view synthesis. Recognition of objects from appearance, shape, partial view, occlusion, etc., Analysis of video, motion and recognizing dynamic activities
Dr. Anoop Namboodiri and Dr. P. J. Narayanan
Embedded Hardware Design
Embedded Systems, Architecture of Embedded Systems, Peripheral Interfacing - USART, I/O Devices, Timers and Pulse Width Modulators, Interrupt Handling, ADC and DAC, Introduction to HDL, Finite State Machines, Functions and Procedures, Delay and memory modeling in HDL, Introduction to FPGA and its various technologies, Programmable Logic Devices, USB, SPI and I2C interfaces, Hardware Software Codesign, Memory Technologies, Logic Optimization Techniques, Dynamically Reconfigurable Architectures.
Dr. Shubhajit Roy Chowdhury
Digital Signal Processing
I. Introduction to DSP: Why DSP? Digital signal definition analog to digital conversion process II. Sampling in time domain: baseband and bandpass signals sampling theorem signal reconstruction III. Sampling in frequency domain: Discrete Fourier transform (DFT) Fast algorithms for DFT implementation Mid sem exam 1 IV. Filter Design Analog filters Digital Filter structures IIR filters FIR filters Mid sem exam 2 V. Finite word length effects on filter design VI. DSP applications Spectral analysis for speech Sampling rate conversion for images
Dr. Jayanthi Sivaswamy
To know more refer to coursework and to Resume here.
