Improved Planning and Filtering Algorithm for Task-priority Redundancy Resolution in Mobile Manipulation
Nagamanikandan Govindan, and Asokan Thondiyath
Published at In 2017 Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics - Volume 2, ICINCO, 2017 [Project Page]
GraspMan-A Novel Robotic Platform with Grasping, Manipulation, and Multimodal Locomotion Capability
Nagamanikandan Govindan, Sai Sourya Varenya Kovvali, Karthik Chandrasekaran, and Asokan Thondiyath
Published at In 2018 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA 2018 [Project Page]
Design and Analysis of a Multimodal Grasper Having Shape Conformity and Within-Hand Manipulation With Adjustable Contact Forces
Nagamanikandan Govindan, and Asokan Thondiyath
Published at Transactions of ASME. Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 11(5), p 051012, October 2019 [Project Page]
Towards Mission-Specific Characterization of the Diving Performance of an Underwater Glider
Siddharth D, Ridhi P, Nagamanikandan G, Thiyagarajan R, and Asokan T.
Published at In OCEANS 2022-Chennai, pp. 1-6. IEEE, 2022 [Project Page]
Design of a Variable Stiffness Joint Module to Quickly Change the Stiffness and to Reduce the Power Consumption
Nagamanikandan Govindan, Shashank Ramesh, and Asokan Thondiyath.
Published at IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 138318-138330, July 2020 [Project Page]
Design and Analysis of Modular Pipe Climber-III with a Multi-Output Differential Mechanism
Vishnu Kumar, Saharsh Agarwal, Rama Vadapalli, Nagamanikandan Govindan, K. Madhava Krishna
Published at 2021 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM) [Project Page]
Robot design- Mobile manipulation - Hybrid robots – Grasper - Redundant and Underactuated robots - Optimal control - Mechatronic system design.
Robot design
- Robotic design is the process of creating a robot or a robotic system. This includes mechanism design, operation process, and circuitry. This integrates functional elements from mechanical, electronics and software disciplines.Mobile manipulation
- Mobile manipulation refers to a robotic system in which a manipulator is attached to a mobile base. This has advantages of mobile platforms and robotic manipulators by overcoming disadvantages.Hybrid robots
- These are the robots that are equipped with both legs and wheels (or tracks) which are used in different configurations to perform different kinds of locomotions.Grasper
- Grasper is a device used for handling, tightening, sliding, holding and releasing objects. It is usually equipped as an end effector to a robotic manipulator.Redundant and Underactuated robots
- Redundant robot is a robot which has more degrees of freedom than the number of independent control inputs or the number of variables governing its configuration. In contrast, underactuated robots are the complete opposite of redundant robots, they have fewer degrees of freedom than the number of independent control inputs.Optimal control
- This is a type of mathematical optimization that deals with finding the optimal controls for a controlled dynamic system in a period of time such that an objective function is optimized.
aravind.narayanan (at)
haasith.pasala (at)
rishin.chakraborty (at)
shirish.chandra (at)