Fourth Master Trainer Program

Focused on Learning, Vision and Motion Planning

  • Dates: 03/03/2024 and 07/03/2024
  • Venue: Saranga Hall 119, Nilgiri Building, IIIT Hyderabad Campus, Gachibowli, Hyderabad
  • Register Now

About the Workshop

We welcome you to the Master Trainer Program for Technology Specific Work Theme “Allied UAS Technologies” with focus on Learning, Vision and Motion Planning scheduled from 3rd to 7th March 2025 at IIIT Hyderabad. The five-day program will cover foundations of computer vision, scientific machine learning, statistical issues in AI/ML, reinforcement learning, motion planning and applications to UAS. Tutorial sessions will cover the implementation aspects of the different methods.

Key Highlights:

  • Expert-led sessions on AI, vision, and reinforcement learning for UAVs.
  • Hands-on tutorials on implementing ML and vision algorithms.
  • Focus on real-world applications in autonomy and motion planning.

Workshop Schedule

Date Session 1 (10:00 AM - 11:30 AM) Break (11:30 AM - 11:45 AM) Session 2 (11:45 AM - 1:15 PM) Lunch Break (1:15 PM - 2:00 PM) Session 3 (2:00 PM - 3:30 PM) Break (3:30 PM - 3:45 PM) Session 4 (3:45 PM - 5:15 PM) Venue Speakers
03/03/2025 (Mon) Robot Motion Planning Introduction to Image Processing Basics of RL Basics of RL - 1 Nilgiri 119 Antony Thomas, Ravi Kiran S, Tejas Bodas
03/04/2025 (Tues) Robot Motion Planning - 1 RL - 5 RL - 2 Introduction to Neural Networks Nilgiri 119 Antony Thomas, Harikumar K, Tejas Bodas, Ravi Kiran S
03/05/2025 (Wed) RL - 3 RL - 4 Computer Vision Tutorial Session Nilgiri 119 Shikhar Saxena, Harikumar K, Madhava Krishna K, Munjaal
03/06/2025 (Thurs) Adaptive Control using Artificial Time Delay Scientific Machine Learning Non-parametric Statistics for AI/ML MAV Link Drone Communication Protocol Nilgiri 119 Spandan Roy, Vinod PK, Vishnu Sreekumar, Aakash Maniar
03/07/2025 (Fri) Adaptive Control for Robots: Toward Underactuated and Switched Dynamics Scientific Machine Learning - 1 Control of Drones under Constraints, Reconfiguration, and Faults Tutorial Session Nilgiri 119 Spandan Roy, Vinod PK, M Akshith Reddy


Antony Thomas Antony Thomas Ravi Kiran S Ravi Kiran S Tejas Bodas Tejas Bodas Vinod PK Vinod PK

Harikumar K Harikumar K Spandan Roy Spandan Roy Madhava Krishna K Madhava Krishna K

Munjaal Munjaal Shikhar Saxena Shikhar Saxena Vishnu Sreekumar Vishnu Sreekumar Aakash Maniar Aakash Maniar


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Organized by Robotics Research Center, IIIT Hyderabad

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