Guess from Far, Recognize when Near: Searching the Floor for Small Objects

M Siva Karthik∗    Sudhanshu Mittal†    K. Madhava Krishna‡   

IIIT Hyderabad, India   

In indoor environments, there would be several small objects lying around on the floor. In this work, we develop an efficient strategy to search for a set of queried objects amongst a large number of small objects lying around. Small objects of the order of 1cm − 5cm, appear very small, making it difficult for the present algorithms to recognize them from far away. A human like strategy in such cases is to infer each object’s similarity to the queried objects, from far away. Subsequently, the objects of interest are approached and analyzed from a closer proximity through an optimal plan. We develop an optimal plan for the robot, to strategically visit a selected few among all the objects. From far away, we assign Existential Probabilities to the objects, indicating their similarity to queried objects. A Bayes’ Net is constructed over the probabilities, to overlay and orient a Viewpoint Object Potential(VOP) map over potential search objects. VOP quantifies the probability of accurately recognizing an object through its RGB-D Point Cloud at various viewpoints. The belief from the Bayes’ Net and the discriminative viewpoints from the VOP are utilized to formulate a Decision Tree which helps in building an optimal control plan. Hence, the robot reaches strategic viewpoints around potential objects, to recognize them through their RGB-D point clouds. The framework is experimentally evaluated using Kinect mounted on a Turtlebot using ROS platform.