Towards adaptive autopilots for fixed-wing unmanned aerial vehicles

Simone Baldi1    Spandan Roy2    Kang Yang3   

1 School of Cyber Science and Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing, China, with the School of Mathematics, Southeast University, Nanjing, Chin    2 IIIT Hyderabad, India    3 School of Cyber Science and Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing, China   

Control of fixed-wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) is typically organized according to two layers: the lowlevel control or autopilot, and the high-level control or guidance. The disadvantage of this modular design is that an intelligent guidance layer may become ineffective if the autopilot layer cannot deal with uncertainty. In fact, the required knowledge derived from linearization of equations of motion (trimming points) makes most autopilots sensitive to uncertainty. In this work, we study an autopilot framework where the knowledge of the UAV dynamics and of trimming points is not required. The proposed design, tested with complex UAV dynamics, can emulate the behavior of a carefully tuned off-the-shelf autopilot, without using its a priori knowledge..