Resource Allocation Strategies for a Multi Sensor Surveillance

K. Madhava Krishna    Henry Hexmoor   

IIIT Hyderabad, India    CSCE DepartmentUniversity of ArkansasFayetteville, Arkansas   

IIn this paper we expand on our previous efforts [1,2,3] to evaluate strategies for improving tracking performance of a multi-sensor surveillance system. The quality of tracking performance is based on two measures: (i) The Mean Track Quality (MTQ) and (ii) Total Expected Number of Misses (TEM). Five strategies of resource allocation were considered based on (a) local versus coordinated, (b) dedicated versus distracted and (c) benevolent. The simulation results suggest that a coordinated and distracted strategy of resource allocation yields the best result throughout while such a strategy coupled with benevolence further improves tracking performance marginally in most cases.