Sensor Based Localization for Mobile Robots by Exploration and Selection of Best Direction

Rakesh Goyal    K. Madhava Krishna    Shivudu Bhuvanagiri   

1 IIIT Hyderabad, India   

We present a strategy for resolving multiple hypotheses of a robot’s state during global localization. The strategy operates in two stages. In the first stage a unique direction of the motion is sought that resolves or eliminates maximum number of hypotheses. In the second stage, among the frontier areas arising from the multiple hypotheses states, that frontier is chosen which resolves the maximum number of the hypotheses. The two stages are alternated till a unique hypothesis emerges. Simulation and experimental results verify the efficacy of this method. A comparison with other methods based on entropy minimization, and minimum distance travel portrays the advantage of the current methodology. A convergence proof for the algorithm is also presented